Email: 123cx@alumni.tongji.edu.cn
2011. 9-2015. 9 同济大学,工程力学,博士研究生
2008. 9-2011. 6 重庆交通大学,港口、海岸及近海工程,硕士研究生
2004. 9-2008. 6 重庆交通大学,桥梁工程,学士,本科
2019. 8-至今 嘉兴学院hahabet土木工程系
2017. 4-2019. 4 四川轻化工大学
2015. 11-2016. 7 三峡大学
1. 混凝土早期水化反应-温度-湿度-应力场耦合(CD70519046) 主持
2. 冻胀作用下管道变形及工程措施研究(00522197) 参与
3. 压电周期结构中的表面波研究(CD70519070) 参与
1. Hui Wang, Xi Chen, Sha Yang, Antonio Caggiano, Qing Ai, Eduardus Koenders, Yong Yuan. A dehydration kinetic model of calcium silicate hydrates at high temperature, Structural Concrete 2022. (SCI)
2. Pengcheng Cao, Xi Chen, Hongjing Dong, Ying Dai. A generalized mixture rule for estimating the effective modulus of cement paste in early age. Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures 2022, 06. (SCI)
3. Xi Chen, Dandan He, Guangying Yang, Yong Yuan, Ying Dai. Approximate analytical solution for Richards’ equation with fnite constant water head Dirichlet boundary conditions, Computational and Applied Mathematics 2021 40:236. (SCI)
4. Xi Chen, Ying Dai. Wetting Front Analysis of the Richards' Equation with Impervious Boundary. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation. 2018,7. (SCI)
5. Xi Chen, Yong Yuan, Ying Dai. An approximate analytical solution of Richards equation with finite boundary. Boundary Value Problems. 2017, 9. (SCI)
6. Xi Chen, Ying Dai. An Approximate Analytical Solution of Richards' Equation. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation. 2015,8. (SCI)
7. Xi Chen, Ying Dai. Differential Transform Method for Solving Richards' Equation. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition). 2016,1. (SCI)
8. Guangying Yang, Minghua Zhang, Jianke Du, Xi Chen. Band structure of love wave in a one-dimensional piezoelectric layered phononic crystal with imperfect interface. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 2022, 2. (SCI)
9. Xi Chen, Jiexiang Lou, Ying Dai. Differential Transform Method for the Brooks–Corey Model. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2013,11. (EI)
10. 庞彪, 陈熹, 金荣科, 袁勇, 戴瑛. 高强混凝土热-力响应的断裂相场分析方法研究. 力学季刊, 2022(002):043. (中文核心)
11. 王德英, 董洪晶, 庞彪, 陈熹, 戴瑛. 氯离子在混凝土地梁非饱和渗流中的扩散过程分析. 力学季刊, 2022, 12. (中文核心)
12. 钟新然, 陈熹, 戴瑛. 混合微分变换法计算混凝土溶质运移耦合问题. 同济大学学报. 2016.5.(EI)
Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Processes in Fractured Porous Media: Modelling and Benchmarking. Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. K, 2014.